Contracts & Transaction Design

Contract Lawyers That Build Relationships Instead of Rules

Build thriving relationships that aren’t over-lawyered or under-planned

Contracts and business transactions are only as good as the strategy underlying them. In any contract – for an employee, a contractor, or a vendor – you want to ensure your business is protected. Even a contract or business transaction that seems simple and straightforward may have a long-term impact on your business.

As we write or review contracts, or design business transactions, we:

  • Work with you to understand your goals
  • Ensure the contract helps you achieve your goals
  • Supply explanatory notes breaking down, in plain English, what the contract does and why
  • Seek your feedback, and prepare a stronger agreement based on that feedback
  • Customize your contracts to your specific business and industry

Our experienced contract attorneys and business transaction lawyers can help ensure the terms of the contract or transaction follow the law, minimize the risks to your business, and provide proper escape clauses.

The SAFE Agreement: Simple, Founder-Friendly, and Flexible

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Understanding The Triple Net Lease

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Understanding Guaranties: Key Considerations Before Signing

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Send us a message or call (804) 500-9874 to start your consultation.

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