Software & Technology

Software and technology companies specialize in building reliable technical systems that are creative, artistic, and engaging. This blend of diverse and opposing skill sets often pushes out a third essential element: understanding how third parties and legal considerations impact the business.

Contracts and agreements related to licensing, terms of use, privacy, and cybersecurity are critical, and the realm of a qualified attorney. Technology companies also frequently must fend off attempts to misappropriate their intellectual property, and federal and state securities law and investor relations can come into play during fundraising rounds common to tech startups.

Way Law is an expert in all of these areas; if you run a technology company, call to see how one of our knowledgeable technology lawyers can take the legal load off you.

Noisy Neighbors: Dealing with Lease Problems Next Door

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Protecting Your Business in an Age Without NonCompetition Agreements

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The Noncompetition Agreement is No More (The New FTC Rule)

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